The Quirky World of Jenny Reh

Living with Myasthenia Gravis, a rare neuromuscular autoimmune disease, since the age of 24 has given me firsthand experience of the pain and discomfort that comes with such conditions. I came to realize that my unhealthy Standard American Diet, filled with ultra-processed foods and candy, was the underlying cause of my illness.

After spending 23 years in the beauty industry and witnessing many loved ones diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and diabetes—my father, who has fought bladder cancer, included—I felt an undeniable pull on my heart. I could no longer stand by and watch my parents grow increasingly unwell. I was determined to learn as much as I could to help heal as many people as possible. I understand what it feels like to be unable to get out of bed due to illness and to be willing to do anything to feel better.

It doesn’t have to be this way. I can assist you in uncovering the root cause of your symptoms instead of merely applying a temporary fix with medication. My goal is to help you truly heal, enabling you to not only feel better but also look better.

Additionally, having worked as a hairstylist for 23 years, I have gained a deep understanding of how toxic beauty products can be and their impact on overall health. This motivated me to create my own line of natural skincare products. I grew tired of being misled and frustrated by the high prices of these products. That’s why I generously share the recipes, so you can make them at home too!